3 月 22 日,世界旅行家安娜在柬埔寨的一次展览中遇到了一只训练有素的非洲巨鼠瓦莱丽(Valerie),她负责探测地雷。 World traveler Anna met a trained African Giant Rat, Valerie, who detects landmines in Cambodia, at an exhibit on March 22.
环游世界的旅行者安娜遇见并拥抱了一只名叫瓦莱丽的非洲巨鼠,它是一只经过训练在柬埔寨和其他地区探测地雷的英雄老鼠。 World traveler Anna met and cuddled with an African Giant Rat named Valerie, who is a hero rat trained to detect landmines in Cambodia and other regions. 这些老鼠尽管体型很小,但在保护人们免受过去和现在的危险方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 These rats, despite their small size, play a vital role in keeping people safe from past and present dangers. 安娜在 3 月 22 日的展览上分享了她的经历,以提高人们对英雄老鼠保护社区所做努力的认识。 Anna shared her experience at a March 22 exhibit to raise awareness for the hero rats' efforts in protecting communities.