一群胆大的老鼠经常光顾温哥华市中心的伯拉德轻轨车站。 Swarm of bolder rats frequenting Burrard SkyTrain station in downtown Vancouver.
每天晚上,温哥华市中心都会出现一群老鼠,特别是在伯拉德轻轨站外。 A swarm of rats has been emerging in downtown Vancouver each evening, particularly outside of the Burrard SkyTrain station. 老鼠的数量似乎变得越来越大胆,它们在车站前的一个公园里乱窜,在行人中间跑上跑下。 The rat population seems to be growing more bold, as they scurry around a park in front of the station, running up and down the stairs among pedestrians. 害虫防治专家表示,老鼠活动的增加可能是由于省级禁止使用一种老鼠药,以及温哥华异常温暖的冬季。 Pest control experts suggest that this increase in rat activity may be due to a provincial ban on a type of rat poison, as well as Vancouver's unusually warm winter. 温哥华害虫防治公司 The X-Terminators 的阿什利·科克伦 (Ashley Cochrane) 表示,老鼠问题最近已成为他们业务的一个重要组成部分。 Ashley Cochrane, with Vancouver pest control firm The X-Terminators, stated that the rat problem has become a significant part of their business recently.