J&K 警察、安全部队在 LS 投票前举行跨山谷升旗游行。 J&K Police, Security Forces Hold Flag March Across Valley Ahead of LS Polls.
3 月 30 日,克什米尔山谷的安全部队在人民院选举前进行了国旗游行,以向选民灌输安全感。 Security forces in Kashmir Valley conducted flag marches on March 30 to instill a sense of security among voters ahead of Lok Sabha elections. 此次游行由地区警察和中央武装警察部队参与,旨在确保分别于 5 月 7 日、13 日和 20 日在阿南特纳格-拉朱里、斯利那加和巴拉穆拉举行的选举自由、公正和无畏。 The marches, involving district police and Central Armed Police Forces, aimed to ensure free, fair, and fearless elections in Anantnag-Rajouri, Srinagar, and Baramulla, scheduled for May 7, 13, and 20, respectively. 这些游行是地区控制演习的一部分,旨在确保选举进程顺利进行。 The marches are part of area domination exercises to guarantee a smooth electoral process.