巴基斯坦西南部发生炸弹爆炸,造成 1 人死亡、14 人受伤。 A bomb blast kills 1 person and wounds 14 in Pakistan’s southwest.
巴基斯坦俾路支省奎达市东北部埃尔奈地区西南部发生爆炸,造成1人死亡、14人受伤。 1 person killed, 14 wounded in a bomb blast in Pakistan's southwest Hernai district, northeast of Quetta city in Baluchistan province. 爆炸发生时,马里石油公司的一个团队正在进行天然气勘探调查。 The blast happened when a team from Mari Petroleum Company was conducting a gas exploration survey. 俾路支省经历了要求从伊斯兰堡中央政府独立的团体发起的低级别叛乱,尽管政府声称叛乱已被平息。 Baluchistan has experienced a low-level insurgency by groups demanding independence from the central government in Islamabad, though the government claims the insurgency has been quelled.