4人被捕;有报道称阳台上发生饮料泼洒事件并升级为打架事件,奥克兰码头街的疯狂派对就此解散;警察使用防暴盾牌和胡椒喷雾。 4 individuals arrested; wild party broken up on Auckland's Quay Street, after reports of balcony drinks throw & escalating into a fight; police used riot shields & pepper spray.
警方使用防暴盾牌和胡椒喷雾后,奥克兰海滨码头街四人被捕,狂欢派对被驱散。 4 individuals arrested and wild party broken up at Auckland's waterfront on Quay Street, after police used riot shields and pepper spray. 该事件始于有报道称饮料被从阳台扔下,随后升级为一场斗殴。 The incident began with reports of drinks being thrown off a balcony, escalating into a fight. 目击者报告称有帮派和人们从阳台跳下。 Witnesses reported gang references and people jumping off balconies. 一些与会者因受伤而接受了治疗,警察在场维持了几个小时。 Some attendees received medical treatment for injuries, and police maintained a presence for several hours.