两名男子因有针对性地枪杀西德尼·巴雷特·莫里斯而被捕。 Two men arrested for targeted shooting death of Sidney Barrett Morris.
两名男子,33 岁的菲利普·帕斯科·克拉克 (Phillip Pasco Clark) 和 50 岁的桑塔纳·杰梅因·凯利 (Santana Jermaine Kelly) 因涉嫌去年 11 月在 L.A. Live 的 Fixins Soul Kitchen 餐厅针对性地枪杀 43 岁的西德尼·巴雷特·莫里斯 (Sidney Barrett Morris) 而被逮捕并受到指控。 Two men, Phillip Pasco Clark, 33, and Santana Jermaine Kelly, 50, have been arrested and charged in connection with the targeted shooting death of Sidney Barrett Morris, 43, at L.A. Live's Fixins Soul Kitchen in November. 据称,克拉克在餐厅枪杀了莫里斯,而凯利则被指控策划并支持该犯罪。 Clark allegedly fatally shot Morris at the restaurant, while Kelly is accused of planning and providing support for the crime. 两人都面临谋杀、共谋谋杀的指控,凯利还面临其他指控。 Both face charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and additional charges for Kelly.