9月1日, 36岁的Anthony Donnell Clark在圣安东尼奥的Club Groove外遭到致命枪击, 36-year-old Anthony Donnell Clark was fatally shot outside Club Groove in San Antonio on September 1; suspect at large, reward for information.
2019年,Anthony Donnell Clark 36岁,在圣安东尼奥的Groove俱乐部外被枪杀,一名朋友也受伤。 In 2019, Anthony Donnell Clark, 36, was shot and killed outside Club Groove in San Antonio, while a friend was also injured. 该事件涉及一支高功率步枪,发生于9月1日。 The incident, involving a high-powered rifle, occurred on September 1. 尚未查明嫌疑人的身份,促使圣安东尼奥警察局和犯罪制止者寻求信息。 The suspect has not been identified, prompting the San Antonio Police Department and Crime Stoppers to seek information. 最高可获5 000美元的悬赏,用于向逮捕提供线索。 A reward of up to $5,000 is available for tips leading to an arrest.