英国志愿者为纪念诺曼底登陆 80 周年而制作的 1,475 个金属剪影,纪念诺曼底登陆的伤亡人员。 1,475 metal silhouettes honoring D-Day casualties created by UK volunteers for Normandy's 80th anniversary.
英国志愿者制作了 1,475 个金属剪影,纪念 1944 年诺曼底登陆期间牺牲的英国军人,纪念 80 周年。 1,475 metal silhouettes have been created by volunteers in the UK in honour of British military personnel who died during the D-Day landings in 1944, to mark the 80th anniversary. 由建筑翻新专家丹·巴顿领导的“与巨人站在一起”项目旨在纪念历史上最大规模的海上入侵。 The "Standing with Giants" project, led by building renovation specialist Dan Barton, aims to commemorate the largest seaborne invasion in history. 这些代表 1,475 名遇难者的剪影将放置在诺曼底 Ver-sur-Mer 的纪念碑附近。 The silhouettes, representing each of the 1,475 casualties, will be placed near the memorial at Ver-sur-Mer in Normandy.