黑人牧师利用复活节礼拜来重建现场礼拜的出席率,从 2019 年到 2023 年,出席率下降了 15%。 Black pastors use Easter services to rebuild in-person worship attendance, which dropped 15% from 2019 to 2023.
皮尤研究中心 (Pew Research) 的数据显示,黑人牧师正在利用复活节礼拜来重建现场礼拜的出席率,从 2019 年到 2023 年,现场礼拜的出席率下降了 15%。 Black pastors are using Easter services to rebuild in-person worship attendance, which dropped 15% from 2019 to 2023 according to Pew Research. 随着教会在大流行期间将礼拜活动转移到网上,黑人新教徒的出席率下降幅度超过任何其他主要宗教团体。 As churches moved services online during the pandemic, Black Protestant attendance declined more than any other major religious group. 今年复活节,教堂希望吸引更多游客并扭转这一趋势,同时也考虑到疫情对会众的影响。 This Easter, churches hope to attract more visitors and reverse this trend, while also considering the impact of the pandemic on their congregations.