威斯康星州最高法院维持裁决,将部分亚马逊送货司机归类为雇员。 Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds ruling, classifying some Amazon delivery drivers as employees.
威斯康星州最高法院维持下级法院的裁决,宣布一些亚马逊送货司机是雇员而不是独立承包商。 Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds lower court ruling, declaring some Amazon delivery drivers to be employees rather than independent contractors. 该裁决保留了威斯康星州上诉法院 2023 年针对亚马逊做出的裁决,裁定亚马逊 Flex 计划中的司机属于该州失业保险体系的一部分,如果被解雇,他们有权获得失业救济金。 The ruling leaves a 2023 Wisconsin appeals court decision against Amazon in place, finding that drivers in the Amazon Flex program are part of the state's unemployment insurance system and entitled to jobless pay if they are laid off. 这一决定影响了亚马逊物流,该公司可能面临超过 20 万美元的税单。 This decision affects Amazon Logistics, which may face a tax bill of over $200,000.