据英国 Which? 称,三个流行的“环保”卫生纸品牌 Bumboo、Bazoo 和 Naked Sprout 的竹子含量比声称的要少。 3 popular "eco-friendly" toilet paper brands, Bumboo, Bazoo, and Naked Sprout, contain less bamboo than claimed, according to UK-based Which?.
根据英国消费者保护非营利组织 Which? 的说法,三个流行的“环保”卫生纸品牌 Bumboo、Bazoo 和 Naked Sprout 只含有少量的竹子。 Three popular "eco-friendly" toilet paper brands, Bumboo, Bazoo, and Naked Sprout, contain only small percentages of bamboo, according to UK-based consumer protection nonprofit Which? 该小组在 11 月份进行了测试,结果显示 Bumboo 和 Bazoo 分别含有 2.7% 和 26.1% 的竹子,而 Naked Sprout 则含有 4%。 The group conducted tests in November, revealing that Bumboo and Bazoo contained 2.7% and 26.1% bamboo, respectively, while Naked Sprout had 4%. 另外两个品牌 Who Gives a Crap 和 The Cheeky Panda 据称含有 100% 竹子。 The other two brands, Who Gives a Crap and The Cheeky Panda, were shown to contain 100% bamboo as claimed.