印度驻塞内加尔大使丁卡·阿萨纳被任命为驻冈比亚高级专员。 India's Ambassador to Senegal, Dinkar Asthana, is appointed as High Commissioner to Gambia.
据外交部称,印度驻塞内加尔大使丁卡·阿斯塔纳已被任命为下一任印度驻冈比亚高级专员。 India's Ambassador to Senegal, Dinkar Asthana, has been concurrently accredited as the next High Commissioner of India to Gambia, according to the Ministry of External Affairs. 阿萨纳 (Asthana) 是印度外交部 (IFS) 1990 届官员,不久将接任这一职务。 Asthana, a 1990 batch officer of the Indian Foreign Service (IFS), will take up the assignment shortly. 他此前曾在印度驻波恩、曼谷、科伦坡和墨西哥城等地的外交使团任职。 He has previously served in Indian diplomatic missions in Bonn, Bangkok, Colombo, and Mexico City, among others.