印度驻沙特阿拉伯大使苏赫尔·阿贾兹·汗被任命为驻也门大使,驻利雅得。 Indian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Suhel Ajaz Khan, appointed as Ambassador to Yemen, residence in Riyadh.
印度驻沙特阿拉伯大使苏赫尔·阿贾兹·汗同时被任命为印度驻也门共和国下一任大使,驻地利雅得。 Indian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Suhel Ajaz Khan, has been concurrently accredited as the next Ambassador of India to the Republic of Yemen, with residence in Riyadh. 1997 年 IFS 批次外交官阿贾兹汗 (Ajaz Khan) 预计将很快上任。 Ajaz Khan, a 1997 IFS batch diplomat, is expected to take up the assignment soon. 他对被赋予额外的责任表示感谢,并表示期待加强印度与也门关系。 He expressed gratitude for being given the additional responsibility and stated he looks forward to strengthening India-Yemen relations.