25 岁的塞巴斯蒂安·勒杜克 (Sebastien Leduc) 因在魁北克脱衣舞俱乐部斗殴致人死亡而被捕,被控二级谋杀罪。 25-year-old Sebastien Leduc arrested, charged with 2nd-degree murder in fatal Quebec strip club brawl.
25 岁男子因魁北克脱衣舞俱乐部斗殴事件被捕;嫌疑人被指控犯有二级谋杀罪。 25-year-old man arrested in connection to fatal Quebec strip club brawl; suspect charged with second-degree murder. 该事件发生在魁省特雷博讷的奥加斯康绅士俱乐部,造成一人死亡、一人重伤。 The incident took place at the O'Gascon Gentlemen Club in Terrebonne, Que., leaving one person dead and another seriously injured. 嫌疑人塞巴斯蒂安·勒杜克也在战斗中受伤。 The suspect, Sebastien Leduc, was also hurt during the fight. 警方要求目击者挺身而出并提供信息,并保证匿名。 Police are asking witnesses to come forward and provide information, assuring anonymity.