35 岁的萨曼莎·彼得森 (Samantha Petersen) 因明尼苏达州阿米什越野车致命事故出庭,面临 21 项指控,其中包括 8 项刑事车辆杀人罪。 35-year-old Samantha Petersen appears in court for a fatal Amish buggy crash in Minnesota, facing 21 charges, including 8 counts of criminal vehicular homicide.
35 岁的萨曼莎·乔·彼得森 (Samantha Jo Petersen) 因明尼苏达州菲尔莫尔县发生的阿米什越野车致命事故出庭,造成两名儿童死亡、两人受伤。 35-year-old Samantha Jo Petersen appeared in court for a fatal Amish buggy crash in Fillmore County, Minnesota, that killed two children and injured two others. 彼得森面临 21 项指控,其中包括 8 项刑事车辆杀人罪,而她的双胞胎妹妹莎拉则因涉嫌在车祸中的驾驶问题上向调查人员撒谎而面临指控。 Petersen faces 21 charges, including eight counts of criminal vehicular homicide, and her twin sister, Sarah, faces charges for allegedly lying to investigators about driving during the crash. 下一次法庭听证会定于 6 月 3 日举行。 The next court hearing is scheduled for June 3.