巴尔的摩钥匙桥倒塌后,至少有七人失踪。 这是我们所知道的一切。 At least seven people are still missing after the Baltimore Key Bridge collapse. Here’s everything we know.
一艘悬挂新加坡国旗的集装箱船“Dali”号撞上了巴尔的摩的弗朗西斯·斯科特基大桥,导致大桥倒塌,多辆车辆落入帕塔普斯科河。 A container ship, the Singapore-flagged Dali, crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, causing it to collapse and plunge multiple vehicles into the Patapsco River. 至少七人失踪,马里兰州已宣布进入紧急状态。 At least seven people are missing and a state of emergency has been declared in Maryland. 该桥是 695 号州际公路的一部分,每年承载超过 1200 万辆汽车。 The bridge, part of Interstate 695, carries over 12 million vehicles annually. 碰撞原因仍在调查中。 The cause of the collision is still under investigation.