33 岁的印度博士生 Cheistha Kochhar 在从伦敦经济学院骑车回家时在伦敦遭遇车祸身亡。 33-year-old Indian PhD student Cheistha Kochhar died in a road accident in London while cycling home from LSE.
印度博士生、NITI Aayog 前员工 Cheistha Kochhar 于 3 月 19 日在伦敦的一场交通事故中不幸身亡。 Indian PhD student and former NITI Aayog employee, Cheistha Kochhar, tragically died in a road accident in London on March 19. 33 岁的 Kochhar 正在伦敦经济学院攻读行为科学博士学位,此前曾在 NITI Aayog 的社会和行为改变中心工作。 Kochhar, 33, was pursuing her PhD in Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics and had previously worked at NITI Aayog's Centre for Social and Behaviour Change. 事故发生在她从大学骑自行车回家时。 The accident occurred when she was cycling back home from the university. 人们纷纷向这位聪明、才华横溢的学生致敬。 Tributes have poured in for the bright and talented student.