由于 PC 需求下降和收入下降,戴尔科技集团削减了员工数量,作为成本削减措施的一部分。 Dell Technologies reduces workforce as part of cost-cutting measures due to PC demand decline and revenue drop.
作为更广泛的成本削减措施的一部分,戴尔科技集团已经减少了员工数量,其中包括限制外部招聘和员工重组。 Dell Technologies has reduced its workforce as part of broader cost-cutting measures, including limiting external hiring and employee reorganizations. 截至 2024 年 2 月 2 日,该公司拥有近 12 万名员工,低于一年前的约 12.6 万人。 As of February 2, 2024, the company had nearly 120,000 employees, down from approximately 126,000 a year earlier. 此次裁员是由于个人电脑需求下降以及第四季度收入下降 11% 所致。 The layoffs follow a decline in demand for personal computers and an 11% drop in revenue in the fourth quarter. 尽管近期面临挑战,戴尔预计 2025 财年需求将改善,定价将变得更具竞争力,投入成本将上升。 Despite near-term challenges, Dell expects demand to improve, pricing to become more competitive in FY 2025, and input costs to rise.