WWE 巨星贝基·林奇在性交易和强奸诉讼中质疑文斯·麦克马洪的形象;麦克马洪辞职并面临联邦调查。 WWE superstar Becky Lynch questions Vince McMahon's image amid sex trafficking and rape lawsuits; McMahon resigns and faces federal investigation.
WWE 超级巨星贝基·林奇表示,她很难将她所认识的文斯·麦克马洪的形象与最近的性交易和强奸诉讼中所描述的形象调和起来。 WWE superstar Becky Lynch has expressed her difficulty in reconciling the image of Vince McMahon she knows with the one described in recent sex trafficking and rape lawsuits. 林奇是女子摔跤的杰出倡导者,她一直很欣赏她与麦克马洪的互动,并强调她希望看到所有摔跤手受到公平和尊重的对待。 Lynch, a prominent advocate for women's wrestling, has always appreciated her interactions with McMahon and emphasized her desire to see all wrestlers treated fairly and with respect. 麦克马洪从 WWE 辞职,并在这些指控后接受联邦刑事调查。 McMahon resigned from WWE and is under federal criminal investigation following these allegations.