Pomerantz 律师事务所因潜在的财务不当行为对 Lyft、Spruce、PSQ、Enfusion 和 Luna 提起集体诉讼。 Pomerantz Law Firm files class action against Lyft, Spruce, PSQ, Enfusion, and Luna for potential financial misconduct.
Pomerantz 律师事务所宣布对 Lyft、Spruce、PSQ、Enfusion 和 Luna 提起集体诉讼,代表投资者对索赔进行调查。 Pomerantz Law Firm announced class action filings against Lyft, Spruce, PSQ, Enfusion, and Luna, investigating claims on behalf of investors. 这些行动是在 3 月 19 日一名普林斯顿居民去世后采取的,葬礼定于 3 月 23 日在纪念葬礼目录教堂举行。 These actions follow the passing of a Princeton resident on March 19th, with a service scheduled for March 23rd at the Memorial Funeral Directory Chapel. 该律师事务所的重点是这些公司内部潜在的财务不当行为或虚假陈述。 The law firm's focus is on potential financial misconduct or misrepresentation within these companies.