纽约州委员会否认向奥约州的阿莫特昆军团派遣了一名军团成员,因为该军团的数据库中没有列出该人。 NYSC denies posting a corps member to Amotekun Corps in Oyo state, as it isn't listed in the organization's database.
国家青年服务团 (NYSC) 驳斥了有关其向尼日利亚奥约州安全组织 Amotekun Corps 派遣一名团员的说法。 The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has refuted claims that it posted a corps member to Amotekun Corps, a security organization in Oyo state, Nigeria. 据 NYSC 发言人克里斯蒂·奥拉托耶 (Christy Olatoye) 称,Amotekun 并未列入该组织的雇主数据库,仅向其数据库中的组织发布军团成员。 According to NYSC spokesperson Christy Olatoye, Amotekun is not listed on the organization's employers database and only posts corps members to organizations on its database. 出于安全考虑,政府禁止将军团成员派往“不安全国家”。 The posting of corps members to 'unsafe states' has been banned by the government due to security concerns.