尼日利亚州长承诺向青年服务团成员提供支持,强调民族团结。 Nigerian governors pledge support for youth service corps members, emphasizing national unity.
来自尼日尔、Osun和索科托州的州长向全国青年服务团成员保证,他们在法定服务年将获得支持和安全。 Governors from Niger, Osun, and Sokoto states have assured National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members of their support and safety during their mandatory service year. 省长们强调民族团结的重要性,并敦促部队成员利用该方案获得宝贵的技能。 The governors emphasized the importance of national unity and urged the corps members to take advantage of the program to acquire valuable skills. 各州的纽约市协调员还强调了该方案在促进尼日利亚青年融合和团结方面的作用。 NYSC coordinators in each state also highlighted the program's role in fostering integration and unity among young Nigerians.