达卡Korail贫民窟发生火灾,200个棚屋被烧毁,1.5小时才控制,原因不明。 Fire broke out in Dhaka's Korail slum, 200 shanties burnt, 1.5 hours to control, cause unknown.
今天下午,达卡 Mohakhali 地区的 Korail 贫民窟发生火灾,四辆消防车最初致力于扑灭大火,另有七辆消防车正在途中。 A fire broke out in Dhaka's Korail slum in the Mohakhali area this afternoon, with four fire engines initially working to douse the blaze as seven more engines were en route. 目前尚不清楚起火原因。 The cause of the fire could not be immediately known. 消防队员在大约 1.5 小时后成功控制了火势,大约 200 个棚屋被烧毁,据报道一些财物在混乱中被盗。 Firefighters managed to bring the fire under control after approximately 1.5 hours, with around 200 shanties burnt down and some belongings reportedly stolen during the chaos.