孟买大学没收学生身份证,迫使他们参加联邦部长皮尤什·戈亚尔儿子的活动;引发争吵。 Mumbai college confiscates ID cards of students to make them attend Union Minister Piyush Goyal son’s event; kicks up row.
据称,孟买塔库尔学院的学生被迫参加由联邦部长皮尤什·戈亚尔 (Piyush Goyal) 的儿子德鲁夫·戈亚尔 (Dhruv Goyal) 作为演讲嘉宾的研讨会。 Students at Mumbai's Thakur College were allegedly forced to attend a seminar featuring Union Minister Piyush Goyal's son, Dhruv Goyal, as a guest speaker. 据报道,大学当局没收了学生的身份证,以确保他们参加活动,这在社交媒体上引发了争议。 The college authorities reportedly confiscated the ID cards of students to ensure their attendance at the event, sparking a row on social media. 一名学生拍摄了一段视频,质疑考试季强制出勤的民主性质。 A student captured a video questioning the democratic nature of this forceful attendance during exam season.