暨南州立大学民意调查会议期间,ABVP 与左翼支持团体之间爆发扭打。 Scuffle Broke Out Between ABVP, Left Backed Group During JNUSU Poll Meeting.
周五深夜,在贾瓦哈拉尔尼赫鲁大学 (JNU) 校园举行的一次全体会议上,隶属于 RSS 的 ABVP 和左翼支持团体之间爆发了一场混战,该会议的重点是组织学生会民意调查。 A scuffle broke out between the RSS-affiliated ABVP and Left-backed groups at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) campus on late Friday night during a general body meeting focused on the organisation of students' union polls. 两派均声称其成员在冲突中受伤。 Both factions allege injuries among their members amidst the clash. 警察局副局长(西南)罗希特·米纳(Rohit Meena)证实了这一事件,称学生全体会议上发生了扭打。 Confirming the incident, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (southwest) Rohit Meena said that there was a scuffle in the student's general body meeting.