洛杉矶警察局在搜查令行动中在里西达射杀了一名武装抢劫嫌疑人。 LAPD fatally shot an armed robbery suspect in Reseda during a search warrant operation.
洛杉矶警察局官员在 Reseda 大道 7900 号街区执行搜查令时开枪打死了 Reseda 的一名武装抢劫嫌疑人。 LAPD officers fatally shot an armed robbery suspect in Reseda during a search warrant operation at 7900 block of Reseda Boulevard. 这名30多岁的嫌疑人据称手持步枪,从三楼阳台跳下,被警察开枪射杀。 The suspect, in his late 30s, allegedly armed with a rifle, jumped from a third-floor balcony and was shot by police. 他在当地一家医院被宣布死亡。 He was pronounced dead at a local hospital. 嫌疑人因涉嫌武装抢劫装甲车而被通缉。 The suspect was wanted in connection with armed robberies of armored vehicles. 没有其他受伤报告。 No other injuries were reported.