Heatherwick Studio 计划在哥伦比亚波哥大为伊恩大学建造一座 7 层的大学建筑,其外观以篮子为灵感,色彩缤纷。 Heatherwick Studio plans a 7-story university building in Bogotá, Colombia for Universidad Ean, featuring a colorful, basket-inspired facade.
Heatherwick Studio 公布了其第一个南美项目的计划,这是位于哥伦比亚波哥大的伊恩大学 (Universidad Ean) 的一座 7 层大学建筑。 Heatherwick Studio revealed plans for its first South American project, a 7-story university building in Bogotá, Colombia for Universidad Ean. 色彩缤纷、灵感源自篮子的外观向当地本土编织技艺致敬。 The colorful, basket-inspired facade pays homage to local indigenous weaving practices. 该结构将包括公共空间并补充周围的学术建筑。 The structure will include public space and complement surrounding academic buildings. 该工作室以创新材料和致力于提升建筑实践工艺而闻名。 The studio is known for innovative materials and commitment to elevating craft in building practices.