渥太华的新“甜甜圈”设计为Stacey-Turley住宅,旨在促进社区和可持续性。 Ottawa's new "doughnut" designed Stacey-Turley Residence aims to foster community and sustainability.
渥太华人对新的 Stacey-Turley 住宅赞不绝口,该住宅以其独特的“甜甜圈”建筑设计而闻名。 Ottawans are buzzing about the new Stacey-Turley Residence, known for its unique "doughnut" architectural design. 该住所以开放中心的循环布局为特色,旨在创建一个现代和可持续的生活空间。 The residence, which features a circular layout with an open center, aims to create a modern and sustainable living space. 当地建筑师说设计鼓励社区互动和有效利用空间。 Local architects say the design encourages community interaction and efficient use of space.