爱尔兰莱伊什 (Laois) 27 岁男子被控违反安全秩序、躲藏在分居妻子的阁楼中并殴打她;被拒绝保释。 27-year-old man in Laois, Ireland, charged with breaching safety order, hiding in estranged wife's attic, and assaulting her; denied bail.
爱尔兰莱伊什 (Laois) 的 27 岁男子因涉嫌违反安全令而面临指控,他在平安夜和圣诞节当天两次躲在分居妻子的阁楼里。 27-year-old man in Laois, Ireland, faces charges for allegedly breaching a safety order by hiding in his estranged wife's attic on Christmas Eve and again on Christmas Day. 他还被指控于 2023 年 12 月 18 日袭击了他的妻子。 He's also accused of assaulting his wife on December 18, 2023. 尽管他的律师主张保释、交出护照并且不与他的妻子联系,但法官拒绝保释并将该男子还押至 3 月 25 日。 Despite his lawyer's argument for bail, surrendering passport, and no contact with his wife, the judge refused bail and remanded the man in custody until March 25.