对超过 200,000 名男性的研究表明,休闲使用电脑的遗传易感性较高,导致勃起功能障碍的风险增加 3.57 倍。 200,000+ men study links higher genetic susceptibility to leisure computer use to a 3.57-fold increased risk of erectile dysfunction.
男科学对超过 200,000 名男性的研究发现,对休闲电脑使用的遗传易感性较高,与使用电脑的时间每增加 1.2 小时,勃起功能障碍的风险就会增加 3.57 倍之间存在联系。 200,000+ men study in Andrology finds a link between higher genetic susceptibility to leisure computer usage and a 3.57-fold increased risk of erectile dysfunction, with each 1.2-hour increase in usage. 电脑的使用与卵泡刺激素水平较低有关,但与看电视或休闲驾驶无关。 Computer use was associated with lower levels of follicle-stimulating hormone, but no association was found with watching TV or driving for leisure. 需要进一步研究来建立明确的因果关系。 Further research is needed to establish a definitive causal link.