州长蒂姆·沃尔兹 (Tim Walz) 就 Uber 和 Lyft 威胁要离开明尼阿波利斯市的最低工资条例寻求妥协;众议院共和党人提出一项法案,阻止城市监管网约车公司。 Governor Tim Walz seeks compromise over Uber and Lyft's threat to leave Minneapolis due to city's minimum wage ordinance; House Republicans propose a bill to prevent cities from regulating ride-hailing companies.
由于该市网约车司机的最低工资条例,州长蒂姆·沃尔兹 (Tim Walz) 就 Uber 和 Lyft 威胁离开明尼阿波利斯寻求妥协。 Governor Tim Walz seeks compromise over Uber and Lyft's threat to leave Minneapolis due to the city's minimum wage ordinance for ride-hailing drivers. 众议院共和党人提出一项法案,阻止城市执行任何监管网约车公司的法令。 House Republicans propose a bill to prevent cities from enforcing any ordinances regulating ride-hailing companies. Uber 计划在 5 月 1 日之前退出整个双城都会区,Lyft 同日停止在明尼阿波利斯的服务。 Uber plans to exit the entire Twin Cities metro area by May 1, with Lyft stopping service in Minneapolis on the same date. 沃尔兹州长警告不要依赖小公司来填补缺口,并强调了对依赖这些服务的残疾人的担忧。 Governor Walz warns against relying on small companies to fill the gap and highlights concerns for people with disabilities who rely on these services.