56岁的杰西·约翰逊·威尔克森(Jessie Johnson Wilkerson)在北卡罗来纳州伯克县的NC 114公路上因超速行驶而死于车祸。 56-year-old Jessie Johnson Wilkerson died in a car accident on NC 114 in Burke County, NC, due to excessive speed.
56 岁的杰西·约翰逊·威尔克森 (Jessie Johnson Wilkerson) 在北卡罗来纳州伯克县库克路 (Cook Road) 附近的 NC 114 公路上发生车祸,当时她驾驶的 2000 款别克世纪 (Buick Century) 失去控制,驶离道路右侧,撞上了两个电源。杆子,她受了重伤。 56-year-old Jessie Johnson Wilkerson died in a car accident on NC 114 near Cook Road in Burke County, North Carolina, after her vehicle, a 2000 Buick Century, lost control, drove off the right side of the road, struck two power poles, and she was critically injured. 她被空运到医院,但后来不治身亡。 She was airlifted to a hospital but later died. 调查人员确定超速是导致碰撞的一个因素。 Investigators determined excessive speed to have been a contributing factor to the collision.