69岁的Julie Ann Rosen 在西Asheville的车祸中丧生 她的吉普车撞倒了树木 Julie Ann Rosen, 69, died in a car crash in West Asheville after her Jeep hit fallen trees.
12月26日,一名69岁的妇女Julie Ann Rosen在西Asheville的一次单一车辆失事中死亡。 A 69-year-old woman, Julie Ann Rosen, died in a single-vehicle crash in West Asheville on December 26. Rosen开着一辆2006年吉普车Grand Cherokee,当时它驶离Eliada家园路,撞上倒塌的树木。 Rosen was driving a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee when it veered off Eliada Home Road and hit fallen trees. 她被宣布死在现场。 She was declared dead at the scene. Asheville警察局正在调查这一事件,并寻求公众提供信息,这些信息可通过文本或TIP2APD应用程序匿名提交。 The Asheville Police Department is investigating the incident and seeks information from the public, which can be submitted anonymously through text or the TIP2APD app.