第 17 届布鲁塞尔机场航空奖物流服务提供商奖获得者是日本通运控股旗下的 NX 比利时公司。 17th Brussels Airport Aviation Awards' Logistics Service Provider Award winner is NX Belgium, part of Nippon Express Holdings.
日本通运控股子公司 NX 比利时在第 17 届布鲁塞尔机场航空奖中荣获物流服务提供商奖。 NX Belgium, a Nippon Express Holdings subsidiary, won the Logistics Service Provider Award at the 17th Brussels Airport Aviation Awards. 该奖项由布鲁塞尔机场公司组织,旨在表彰准点率、绩效、网络发展、安全和环境绩效等领域的卓越表现。 The awards, organized by Brussels Airport Company, recognize excellence in areas like punctuality, performance, network development, safety, and environmental performance. NX 比利时因其持续合作、对日本未来互联互通的共同愿景以及对 Pharma Aero 和 Air Cargo Belgian 等举措的参与而获奖。 NX Belgium was awarded for its ongoing cooperation, shared vision of future Japanese connectivity, and involvement in initiatives like Pharma Aero and Air Cargo Belgium. NX 集团计划利用其全球网络和先进物流方面的专业知识,继续解决客户的挑战并支持他们的业务扩张。 NX Group plans to continue addressing customers' challenges and supporting their business expansion with its global network and expertise in advanced logistics.