弗拉基米尔·普京在没有激烈竞争的情况下以压倒性优势赢得了俄罗斯大选。 Vladimir Putin wins Russia election in landslide with no serious competition.
民意基金会(FOM)的出口民意调查显示,俄罗斯总统普京在最近的俄罗斯选举中获得压倒性胜利,赢得87.8%的选票。 Russian President Vladimir Putin has secured a landslide victory in Russia's recent election, winning 87.8% of the vote, according to an exit poll by the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM). 这次胜利加强了普京本已牢牢掌握的权力,并可能向西方发出一个信息:他们必须在未来许多年里与俄罗斯打交道。 This victory strengthens Putin's already firm grip on power and may serve as a message to the West that they must deal with Russia for many years to come. 美国、英国和其他国家表示,由于政治对手的监禁和审查制度,投票既不自由也不公平。 The US, UK, and other nations have said the vote was neither free nor fair due to the imprisonment of political opponents and censorship. 普京的任期如果完成,他将超越约瑟夫·斯大林,成为俄罗斯 200 多年来任职时间最长的领导人。 Putin's term, if completed, will see him overtake Josef Stalin and become Russia's longest-serving leader for over 200 years.