巴库加拉达区的 34 个阿塞拜疆家庭(123 人)搬迁至富祖利市,使总数达到 596 个家庭(2,245 人) 34 Azerbaijani families (123 people) from Baku's Garadagh district are relocated to Fuzuli city, bringing the total to 596 families (2,245 people)
34个阿塞拜疆境内流离失所者家庭(123人)已从巴库加拉达区搬迁至富祖利市,使该市重新安置的家庭总数达到596个,其中2,245人。 34 families (123 people) of internally displaced Azerbaijanis have been relocated to Fuzuli city from Garadagh district of Baku, bringing the total number of families resettled in the city to 596, comprising 2,245 individuals. 重新安置的家庭将住在亚美尼亚占领结束后根据伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫总统的指示重建的房屋中。 The resettled families will live in houses rebuilt on instructions from President Ilham Aliyev after the end of the Armenian occupation. 感谢阿塞拜疆军队解放了这片土地。 The Azerbaijani Army is thanked for liberating the land.