阿塞拜疆总统指示 3,300 多名前国内流离失所者返回拉钦市和扎布赫村。 Azerbaijani President directs the return of over 3,300 former IDPs to Lachin city and Zabukh village.
阿塞拜疆总统伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫的指示导致前国内流离失所者不断返回拉钦市和扎布赫村。 Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's directive leads to the continuous return of former IDPs to the city of Lachin and the Zabukh village. 超过 2,500 人已在拉钦市得到安置,808 人在扎布赫村得到安置。 Over 2,500 individuals have been resettled in Lachin city, and 808 in Zabukh village. 作为亚美尼亚占领结束后努力的一部分,许多家庭搬进了新建的房屋。 Families move into newly constructed houses, as part of efforts following the end of Armenian occupation. 安置家庭感谢阿塞拜疆政府和军队的支持和照顾。 The resettled families thank the Azerbaijani government and military for their support and care.