奎德尔否认印度干预孟加拉国一月份的选举。 Quader denies that India interfered in Bangladesh's January elections.
孟加拉国人民联盟最高领导人奥拜杜尔·奎德尔否认印度干预该国一月份选举的指控。 Top Bangladesh Awami League leader Obaidul Quader denies allegations of India interfering in the country's January elections. 奎德尔强调,印度不干涉选举,支持孟加拉国决定自己未来的权利。 Quader emphasized that India did not interfere in the elections and supported Bangladesh's right to decide its own future. 印度一贯表示,孟加拉国的选举是国内事务,由孟加拉国人民决定他们的未来。 India has consistently stated that the elections in Bangladesh were a domestic matter and that it was up to the people of Bangladesh to decide their future.