到 2030 年代,海上风能容量将增加五倍,推动对安装大型涡轮机的专用船舶的需求。 Offshore wind energy capacity to quintuple by 2030s, driving demand for specialized ships to install larger turbines.
预计到 2030 年代,海上风能容量将增加五倍,从而推动对安装大型涡轮机的专用船舶的需求。 Offshore wind energy capacity is expected to quintuple by 2030s, driving demand for specialized ships to install larger turbines. 目前,中国境外约有 20 艘船舶能够装载 15 兆瓦涡轮机,但业界预计投资 148 亿美元来满足未来需求。 Currently, there are around 20 ships outside China capable of handling 15-megawatt turbines, but the industry anticipates investing $14.8bn to meet future demand. 建造一艘新的安装船至少需要三年时间和 4 亿美元,而改造旧船也既耗时又昂贵。 Building a new installation vessel takes at least three years and $400m, with retrofitting older ships also time-consuming and costly.