3 月 15 日,史蒂芬斯港发生车祸,一名 20 岁妇女和 14 岁女孩被逃跑的司机撞伤。 20-year-old woman and 14-year-old girl injured by fleeing driver in burnout crash at Port Stephens on March 15.
一名司机在史蒂芬斯港发生倦怠事故,撞上两名妇女和一根电线杆,造成两名妇女严重受伤,随后汽车起火逃离现场。 A driver doing burnouts at Port Stephens crashed into two women and a power pole, causing serious injuries to both women, before fleeing the scene as the car caught fire. 该事件于 3 月 15 日发生在 North Arm Cove 的 Somerset Drive。 The incident occurred on March 15 at Somerset Drive, North Arm Cove. 这名 20 岁女子和 14 岁女孩因骨盆和腿部受伤被送往约翰亨特医院。 The 20-year-old woman and 14-year-old girl were taken to John Hunter Hospital with pelvic and leg injuries. 这辆车是一辆白色福特猎鹰,已被扣押进行法医检查,警方希望与司机交谈。 The vehicle, a white Ford Falcon, has been seized for forensic examination, and police hope to speak with the driver.