史蒂文·艾弗里 (Steven Avery) 因 2005 年谋杀特蕾莎·哈尔巴赫 (Teresa Halbach) 而被定罪,他提出新动议,要求对她车上的证据进行 DNA 检测。 Steven Avery, convicted for 2005 murder of Teresa Halbach, files new motion requesting DNA testing on evidence from her car.
史蒂文·艾弗里 (Steven Avery) 因 2005 年谋杀特蕾莎·哈尔巴赫 (Teresa Halbach) 被判无期徒刑,目前正在服刑,他提出了一项新动议,要求对哈尔巴赫汽车中发现的证据进行科学测试。 Steven Avery, serving a life sentence for 2005 murder of Teresa Halbach, has filed a new motion requesting scientific testing of evidence found in Halbach's car. 艾弗里的律师凯瑟琳·泽尔纳 (Kathleen Zellner) 提交了这份长达 11 页的动议,要求对汽车的各个部件进行“接触 DNA 证据”测试。 The 11-page motion, filed by Avery's attorney Kathleen Zellner, asks for "touch DNA evidence" testing on various parts of the car. 艾弗里的侄子布伦丹·达西 (Brendan Dassey) 也在此案中被定罪,他们的审判在 2015 年 Netflix 剧集《制造杀人犯》之后受到了全世界的关注。 Avery's nephew Brendan Dassey was also convicted in the case, and their trials received worldwide attention following the 2015 Netflix series "Making A Murderer."