俄罗斯声称在空袭中使用了“真空炸弹”。 Russia claims to have used a "vacuum bomb" in an airstrike.
俄罗斯声称在对乌克兰国防情报局特种部队“Kraken”民族主义编队部署点的空袭中使用“真空炸弹”杀死了多达300名乌克兰士兵。 Russia claims to have used a "vacuum bomb" to kill up to 300 Ukrainian soldiers in an airstrike on a deployment point of the 'Kraken' nationalist formation, a special unit of the Ukrainian Defence Intelligence. 这种强大的弹药也被称为温压武器或燃油空气炸药,引爆时会产生冲击波和真空。 The powerful munition, also known as a thermobaric weapon or fuel-air explosive, creates a blast wave and vacuum when detonated. 乌克兰驳斥了这些说法,称其“绝对是无稽之谈和宣传”。 Ukraine has dismissed the claims as "absolute nonsense and propaganda."