范德比尔特大学计划以超过 1500 万美元的买断终止男子篮球教练杰里·斯塔克豪斯 (Jerry Stackhouse) 的合同。 Vanderbilt University plans to terminate men's basketball coach Jerry Stackhouse's contract with a $15M+ buyout.
范德比尔特大学计划与男篮教练杰里·斯塔克豪斯分道扬镳,这位前NBA球星的买断金额超过1500万美元。 Vanderbilt University plans to part ways with men's basketball coach Jerry Stackhouse, with the former NBA star's buyout exceeding $15 million. 斯塔克豪斯在范德比尔特队的五个赛季战绩为70胜92负,球队自2017年以来一直没有获得NCAA锦标赛的资格。 Stackhouse's record with Vanderbilt stands at 70-92 in five seasons, with the team not qualifying for the NCAA Tournament since 2017. 范德比尔特以 9 胜 23 负的战绩结束了 2022-2023 赛季,其中东南联盟的战绩为 4 胜 14 负。 Vanderbilt finished the 2022-2023 season with a 9-23 record, including a 4-14 mark in Southeastern Conference play.