尼日利亚卡杜纳州库里加一所学校的学生和教职员工被绑架。 Students and staff kidnapped from a school in Kuriga, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
3月7日,尼日利亚卡杜纳州库里加一所学校286名学生和教职员工被绑架。 286 students and staff were kidnapped from a school in Kuriga, Kaduna State, Nigeria on 7th March. 绑匪要求 10 亿奈拉(620,432 美元)释放人质,并威胁如果 30 天内不支付赎金,他们将杀死所有人质。 The kidnappers have demanded one billion naira ($620,432) for their release, threatening to kill all the hostages if the ransom is not met within 30 days. 这是尼日利亚自2021年以来首次发生大规模绑架事件,每名人质的赎金要求超过2000美元,超过尼日利亚的人均年收入。 This is the first mass kidnapping in Nigeria since 2021, and the ransom demand amounts to more than $2,000 per hostage, surpassing Nigeria's annual per capita income. 安全部队正在努力确保人质获释,但尚未回应有关绑匪要求的置评请求。 Security forces are working on securing the release of the hostages and have not yet responded to requests for comment regarding the kidnappers' demands.