尼日利亚海关在奥贡州边境截获隐藏在加里袋中的 940 枚实弹。 Nigeria Customs intercepts 940 live ammunitions hidden in gari bags at Ogun State border.
尼日利亚海关在奥贡州边境截获 940 枚藏在加里袋中的实弹。 Nigeria Customs intercepts 940 live ammunitions, hidden in bags of gari, at the border in Ogun State. 走私弹药在邻国贝宁共和国被追踪了两个多星期才被拦截。 The smuggled ammunition was trailed for over two weeks from the neighboring Republic of Benin before it was intercepted. 该司令部审计长艾哈迈杜·舒艾布透露,这些子弹被藏在加里袋中,目的是欺骗和殴打边境安全部门。 The Comptroller of the command, Ahmadu Shuaibu, revealed that the bullets were concealed in gari sacks with the intent to deceive and beat border security.