54岁的Hamsatu Modu于2024年10月20日在尼日利亚约贝州因贩运350发弹药而被捕。 54-year-old Hamsatu Modu arrested in Yobe State, Nigeria, for trafficking 350 rounds of ammunition on Oct 20, 2024.
在尼日利亚约贝州,54岁的Hamsatu Modu因据称贩运350发弹药而被捕。 In Yobe State, Nigeria, 54-year-old Hamsatu Modu was arrested for allegedly trafficking 350 rounds of ammunition. 警方在2024年10月20日拦截了她的车辆, 根据有关一名涉嫌枪支走私者的情报. Police intercepted her vehicle on October 20, 2024, following intelligence about a suspected gunrunner. 这些弹药藏在她的行李中,被确认为7.62×39毫米毫米口径子弹。 The ammunition, concealed in her luggage, was identified as 7.62×39 MM rounds. 当局正在审问Modu,以揭发她的犯罪网络,而警察局长则敦促社区在预防犯罪工作中进行合作。 Authorities are interrogating Modu to uncover her criminal network, while the Commissioner of Police urges community cooperation in crime prevention efforts.