多伦多 TTC 计划从 3 月到 6 月在 Leslie Barns 使用声炮来吓退海鸥。 Toronto's TTC plans to use sound cannons to deter seagulls at Leslie Barns from March to June.
多伦多 TTC 计划在其 Leslie Barns 设施中使用声炮来阻止海鸥问题,自 2015 年开放以来,估计每年有 10,000-15,000 只海鸥到访并筑巢。 Toronto's TTC plans to use sound cannons to deter a seagull problem at its Leslie Barns facility, where an estimated 10,000-15,000 birds visit and nest annually since it opened in 2015. 声炮不会伤害海鸥;相反,它们会发出巨大的噪音来吓跑它们。 The sound cannons will not harm the seagulls; instead, they emit a loud noise to scare them away. 从 3 月中旬到 6 月底,鸟儿筑巢季节期间,每天早上 7 点至晚上 7 点期间,大炮将启动最多四次。 The cannons will be activated up to four times daily between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., beginning mid-March until the end of June, during the bird's nesting season.