SBI 基金会开放第 12 批 SBI 印度青年奖学金申请,这是一项为期 13 个月的以农村为重点的社会变革计划。 SBI Foundation opens applications for the 12th batch of the SBI Youth for India Fellowship, a 13-month rural-focused social change program.
SBI 基金会开放第 12 批 SBI 印度青年奖学金申请,该项目为期 13 个月,吸引 21 至 32 岁的受过教育的城市青年与印度各地的农村社区和 13 个非政府组织合作,旨在推动社会变革。 SBI Foundation opens applications for the 12th batch of the SBI Youth for India Fellowship, a 13-month program that engages educated urban youth aged 21-32 in collaborating with rural communities and 13 NGOs across India, aiming to drive social change. 该项目重点关注健康、粮食安全和环境保护等 12 个主题领域,并从印度、OCI、不丹和尼泊尔寻找候选人。 The program focuses on 12 thematic areas, including health, food security, and environmental protection, and seeks candidates from India, OCI, Bhutan, and Nepal.