一名男子在牛津中央清真寺附近被刺伤,导致警方封锁并展开调查。 A man was stabbed near Central Oxford Mosque, prompting lockdown and police investigation.
一名男子在牛津中央清真寺门口被刺伤倒地,导致清真寺被封锁。 A man was stabbed and collapsed on the doorstep of the Central Oxford Mosque, prompting the mosque to be locked down. 这起事件发生在Manzil Way,据报道受害者在被送往医院之前在清真寺寻求医疗帮助。 The incident occurred on Manzil Way, with the victim reportedly seeking medical help at the mosque before being taken to a hospital. 警方已封锁 Manzil Way 和 Cousin Close 进行调查。 Police have closed off Manzil Way and Cousin Close for an ongoing investigation. 泰晤士河谷警方尚未证实刺伤事件的细节。 Thames Valley Police have yet to confirm the details of the stabbing.