巧克力山附近建造的菲律宾度假村因没有 ECC 运营而收到违规通知和临时关闭令。 Filipino resort built near Chocolate Hills receives Notice of Violation and Temporary Closure Order for operating without ECC.
网友批评菲律宾巧克力山保护区附近修建的度假村(船长峰花园度假村)。 Netizens criticized a resort (Captain's Peak Garden and Resort) built near the Chocolate Hills, a protected zone in the Philippines. 环境和自然资源部针对未获得环境合规证书 (ECC) 的运营发出了违规通知,并发布了临时关闭令,指出该度假村的运营引发了对保护区影响的担忧。 DENR issued a Notice of Violation for operating without an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) and a Temporary Closure Order, stating that the resort's operations raised concerns about the impact on the protected area. 该度假村的管理员声称他们遵循了适当的程序,并且正在获取 ECC。 The resort's administrator claims they followed proper procedures and are in the process of obtaining an ECC.